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  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室


2024年10月 9日


I watched the first 23 episodes of the anime "Beyond Journey's End."
For those who enjoyed the anime and manga, which part made the biggest impression on them? For me, it was in the latter half of the final episode, 22, where there was this conversation between Frieren and Himmel.
Frieren: "Why do you help people, Himmel?"
Himmel: "Because you're a hero!"
Frieren: "It's not that."
Himmel: "You're right. Maybe it's for your own sake. Maybe you want someone to remember you, even if only a little. To be alive is to be known and remembered by someone."
Frieren: "How can I make someone remember me?"
Himmel: "Just a little is fine. Just change someone's life. That will be enough."
I received this passage as a message to reconsider life. The author hopes that the work (and his own thoughts) will touch the hearts of many people and remain in their memories.
I have been a teacher for about 40 years. I am about to reach the age where I should prepare to retire, but I have always thought that "it would be good if I could change someone's life" through my interactions with others through classes and research. I still think that this is the purpose of life itself.
I thought that I have worked hard sincerely to be remembered a little, but there may have been quite a few times when I made people angry, sad, or disappointed them. I cannot help my failures because they are the result of my own lack of ability.
Although it has been about 40 years since I started teaching, I still want to continue growing so that I can be of use to people and contribute to society, and have a sense of self-affirmation that "it's okay for me to be alive."


  • 投稿者 akiyama : 16:09


アニメ『ブルーロック』第19話 imaginary friend
以下は、アニメ『ブルー ロック』第19話のセリフです。 母親「イマジナリーフレンド。そう。その怪物はきっとメグルにしか見えない友達なんだよ。」 メグル「俺、変かな。」 母親「変じゃないよ。その子はメグルのやりたいサッカーを一緒にやってくれるんでしょ。」 メグル「うん。でもね。ママ。俺欲しいんだ。楽しいサッカーが一緒にできる本当の友達が。」 母親「そうだね。いつかできるといいね。」 メグル「俺。信じ…続きを見る
以下は、アニメ『葬送のフリーレン』第22話のセリフです。 I watched the first 23 episodes of the anime "Beyond Journey's End." For those who enjoyed the anime and manga, which part made the biggest impression on them? For me, it …続きを見る
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