• ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室
  • ぼうぼうどりの生物教室

SSHガイド2008  主な英文とその要約



You are precious in My eyes
All of us have the opportunity to expand our horizons, thanks to our Lord. At Seishin, we aim to provide the best environment to support female students' advancement into scientific careers.


MEXT designates high schools that emphasize science, technology and math education as "Super Science High Schools" (SSHs). SSHs are undertaking research and development of innovative curriculums with emphasis on science, technology and mathematics study and effective ways of collaborating with universities and research institutes.


Siu-Shan Mak さんからのメッセージDear students in Seishin,
I gave you your first scientific lecture in English. I was particularly impressed by your curiosity throughout my lecture. Since curiosity is the fundamental motivation for doing experiments as a researcher, I am pleased to think that you have the potential to be scientists.
While you are studying in a super-science high school, I suppose that you are interested in acquiring scientific knowledge. Yet, it does not necessarily mean that you can be a good scientist in the future. It is not enough that you are only good at studying and following instructions from the teachers. To find out if you have the qualities to be a good scientist, here are some questions that you should ask yourself:
1. Are you self-motivated in your study?
2. Are you curious about what is going on and how things happen?
3. Can you think logically, independently and objectively?
4. Can you be honest and respectful to facts, no matter whether they are beneficial to or adverse against  you?
5. Are you open-minded and full of imagination?
6. Do you have enough confidence in your thinking to openly discuss and if necessary, disagree with anyone regardless of his or her position?
7. Last but not least, are you good at learning from your failures?
If you already possess all of the qualities listed above, (Congratulations!) you will become a very good scientist. Fortunately, if you could answer ‘yes’ to only a few of the above questions, you can keep them in mind and train yourself to acquire these skills in the future. In any case, if you really want to be a good scientist, do not give up!


Life Science Basic 生命科学基礎  Life Science Practice生命科学実習

Practical English 実践英語

Advanced Subjects 発展科目
文理コースでは、①実践ボランティア ②中国語Ⅰ ③ノートルダム清心女子大学連携英語講座 ④現代社会と「女性」「子供」 
⑤ハイレベルイングリッシュ ⑥川崎医療福祉大学連携「知って役立つ『マネジメント』」から1つの講座を選択します。

Life 生命

Field practice 野外実習

A study trip on Iriomote Island, Okinawa 沖縄 西表島研修旅行

Life Science Theme Study 生命科学課題研究

Mathematical Science Theme Study 数理科学課題研究

A study trip to Borneo ボルネオ海外研修

A letter from the human genome
No one is perfect; everyone has good points and bad points. Look on the bright side and be positive! Your disadvantage becomes your advantage; your weaknesses give you strength and beauty. Such positive forces seems to have assisted in human evolution. Recent studies of the human genome have shown us the possibilities. A member of the gene encoded myosin heavy chain, MYH16, is specifically expressed in the jaw muscles of humans and monkeys. All non-human primate MYH16 genes are perfect and are encoded with a complete protein. In contrast, the human gene is altered and the protein is incompletely coded. The mutation caused a decrease in the jaw-muscle size, and remodeled the human cranium to allow an increase in the size of the brain. The human genome has hidden levels of regulatory complexity and variability that have begun to reveal themselves since the initial sequence became available in 2001. We have been gaining a greater understanding of how genome differences relate to human evolution and disease. Life is more dynamic than you imagine.


裏面受賞報告文 Won the JST Executive President Award
“The Research Presentation Meeting for SSH Students in 2008” was held by MEXT and JST at Pacifico Yokohama on August 7 and 8.
This meeting was aimed to promote SSH projects and to spread its activities by raising students’ interest in scientific technology.
On the first day, students from 31 high schools made up 6 groups. They gave their presentations and the representative from each group was chosen. On the second day, the six representative schools gave their presentations again to about 2000 people in a large public hall. Our school won the JST Executive President Award.

文部科学省が指定し、科学技術振興機構が取組みを支援しているスーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)の生徒の課題研究の成果を発表する「平成20年度スーパーサイエンスハイスクール生徒研究発表会」が、2008年8月7日、8日の2 日間、文部科学省及び科学技術振興機構の主催によりパシフィコ横浜において 開催されました。本発表会は、生徒の科学技術に対する興味・関心を一層喚起するとともに、その成果を広く普及することにより、スーパーサイエンスハイスクール事業を推進することを目的としています。1日目は、指定3年目の平成18年度校31校が6つの分科会に分かれて口頭発表 を実施し、各分科会における代表校を選出しました。2日目には、選出された各分科会の代表校が大ホールで約2000名を前に口頭発表を行いましたその結果、本校は、科学技術振興機構理事長賞を受賞しました。

