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継山 亜希(つぎやま あき)[帰国子女]

5歳~10歳のとき、父親の仕事の都合で、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州に暮らす。 現地の幼稚園・小学校に通い、帰国後はノートルダム清心女子大学附属小学校4年へ編入。 その後、清心中学校・清心女子高等学校を経て、2005年4月より、早稲田大学国際教養学部で学ぶ。

清心女子高等学校在学中には、第37回校内スピーチコンテスト(高1)で2位、第38回校内スピーチコンテスト(高2)で1位を獲得、また、校外では、第9回吉備国際大学英語スピーチコンテスト(高1)、第5回ノートルダムトロフィーEnglish Speech Contest(高1)、第51回青嵐杯高校生スピーチコンテスト(高2)において、すべて優勝を飾るなど、優秀な成績を修めている。


 When I came back to Japan in 1996, all of my friends envied my English ability. However, I was still struggling with English. I had never formally studied English grammar in the USA so English education in Japan seemed very difficult for me.
 Although grammar is important, it sometimes seems that here in Japan people are studying grammar for the sake of grammar or for entrance examinations, rather than for any communicative purpose. We spend so long wrestling with complex grammatical structures that we forget that the language is for communication.

日笠 彩(ひかさ あや)[帰国子女]



 To be able to use English gave me courage and self-confidence in many situations through my life, and now I’m thinking of going to a university in another country after graduating from Sophia University. So, as my conclusion, to be able to use another language besides Japanese has a good influence to improve my quality of life.
 I wish I could have taken classes in debate, giving presentations or essay writing after I came back to Seishin, because these skills were often required after I entered the university. As I have mentioned before, I think it is very important to learn the skills of debating, giving presentations and essay writing while young. This is because these skills will be absolutely necessary in some situations in the future. When I went to school in London, I had to write many essays on many themes, such as on poets, historical events and so on. Many of the exams were taken in essay form too, and this experience helped me a lot when I do assignments now.

伴 留亜(ばん るあ)[在海外:高校留学]



 After I came to All Saints, I realized I had a very weak vocabulary. I had a hard time conveying my ideas. Also my grammar skills needed a lot of work.
 Talking with my friends, I did not worry about English grammar, but even here in U.S. I need good grammar for tests such as the TOEFL. However, importantly, through my experience in the U.S., I now have the confidence to talk to English speaking people. Communication is more important than grammar and vocabulary.

藤井 裕子(ふじい ひろこ)[在海外:大学留学]



 I think it would be great if junior and senior high school students could study English in the kind of progressive educational environment that Seishin is now striving to create.
 In Canada, studying medicine in English and debating about patients' medical cases is the most difficult, but thanks to the basic ability of English which I gained at Seishin, I manage to make myself understood in English and also I'm doing very well with the students here who will be doctors in our increasingly international society.

柴原 舞(しばはら まい)[在海外:大学進学]



 Now, I am in college in the U.S. If I had known before how this would be, there are some things would have done differently in junior high school. One of them would have been practicing conversation. There is a lot of discussion that takes place in the classroom. Students are expected to think over the issues and express their opinions openly. It is very difficult to speak up when English is not your native language, even though you have a good opinion.
 Another thing is having time limits such as, only having fifty minutes to take an essay test. It is easy to write papers outside of class, because students have enough time to make the thesis, outline, interesting introduction, detailed body, and strong conclusion without strong pressures. The grammar, punctuation and the style can also be checked by another person outside of class. However, often times in classes, professors make students take an essay examination. Students have to think and write during the class period. I think it is appropriate for non-English speakers to start writing something within a time limit at an early age.

志賀 麗 (しが れい)[現在英語を使って職業人として活躍中]



 After graduating from my university, I have been working as a member of the ground staff at Kansai International Airport. I am working at the check-in counter for international flights.
 When I was in 9th grade, I went to New Zealand to study English. This experience made what I am now. I was frustrated when I could not understand what people said. This experience made me think that I want to speak English fluently and in the future I want to work using English.

丸谷 奈緒子(まるたに なおこ)[現在英語を使って職業人として活躍中]



 I spent my first year of junior high school in Japan and the rest at the Uruguayan American School. My experiences in childhood helped me realize that when we learn other languages, the most important thing is to speak, not being afraid of making mistakes in vocabulary or in grammar.
 In English class at the Uruguayan American School we did debates, presentations and discussions to show others our thoughts or results from our lessons. I think training to help people overcome their fear of making mistakes would be necessary.

高田 智江(たかた ちえ)[現在英語を使って職業人として活躍中]

倉敷市立柏島小学校から、清心中学校・清心女子高等学校へ。その後、上智大学文学部ドイツ文学科に進学し、大学在学中に大学の交換留学生としてアメリカ、シアトル大学に1年間留学。大学卒業後、朝日出版社に入社、「CNN English Express」の編集に携わる。


 Seishin put an emphasis on English education and offered English conversation classes taught by native English speaking teachers. English conversation class was good for me to learn English and learn about foreign cultures. Activities such as watching lots of dramas (with subtitles) and singing English songs, chatting with foreign teachers and listening to their stories motivated me to learn English because I recognized that if I could speak English, I could get to know different cultures, communicate with people, and exchange thoughts with foreigners.
 From my experience studying abroad, I think that the Japanese are really good at grammar and reading English materials, owing to the Japanese system of English education which focuses on entrance exams. However we do indeed have a relative lack of listening skills and dramatic lack of speaking skills.
 Through my experience studying at Seattle University as an exchange student, I attended classes with native English speakers. In every class, we had great discussions or debates during the class, which was totally different from classes in the Japanese universities. At first, I hesitated to speak up during the class, since I knew I was not good at speaking English, even though I had something to say or I wanted to express what I felt. Gradually, I recognized my hesitancy was not only due to a lack of English skills, but also was due to the fact that I was not that accustomed to speak up in English, since I hadn't had much occasion to do that before. So, what I believe you can and should do is brush up on your English speaking skills and at least have the courage to speak up in English if you want to communicate with native English speakers. English is not a goal in itself, but a tool for communication: in this sense, using English as tool to research, discuss, and present is very important.


継山 ゆかり(つぎやま ゆかり)[帰国子女保護者]



 I was very sorry that my daughter had to take English conversation or listening classes with students who started studying English from 1st grade. Grammar class was very difficult for her to understand because most of the returnees get English as a language, not as a subject. My daughter had trouble understanding the meaning of Japanese which teachers explained in class. She was weak in English grammar till the end of high school.
 Personality and the ability of each student is becoming more and more important in entrance examinations for high school or university. Returnees need an environment which will help them maintain their English ability. And classes which can strengthen their ability are going to become necessary. They also need the opportunity to speak with teachers from foreign countries. To keep in touch with English is the most important thing. Also, grammar, the weak point of most returnees, should not be taught only through textbooks, but from sentences or stories. In my opinion, returning students need a curriculum which is different from that which is used by other students.

日笠 和子(ひかさ かずこ)[帰国子女保護者]



 I think the most important thing is to give these returnees education that will allow them to maintain and improve their English skills. It is true that there are fewer returnees compared to cities like Tokyo or Osaka, and this may be one of the reasons that it is difficult to create a special program only for these students. So, based on this situation, I recommend that you take measures such as dividing the classes by students' abilities and having lessons on essay writing, debate, giving speeches, and having discussions to help students to maintain and improve their skills, especially their communication skills. These skills will be necessary and helpful after entering the university.
 It is very easy for students to lose these skills it if they are not given chances to use them.


Jeff Romonko(ジェフ ロモンコ)[アドバイザー]

元 清心中学校・清心女子高等学校 英会話教師。
現 インターナショナルハウス バンクーバー 教務主任。
カナダのトロント大学にて国際関係学を学んだ後、JETプログラムで来日。カナダに戻りカルガリーにあるアルバータ職業専門学校でTESOL教師として働いた後、再来日し、塾講師を経て清心中学校・清心女子高等学校で英会話を教える。東京でTESL, ロンドンのトリニティーカレッジにてTESOLの資格を取得。


 Hello. I really enjoyed teaching English at Seishin, especially because the students were very motivated to learn. However, one concern I had was with regards to mixed-ability classes. I had some very high level students, who had returned to Japan from living in English speaking countries or attending English speaking International Schools abroad. I always wished that Seishin could have a good program for such students so that they would be able to maintain and improve their advanced English level. I was happy to be a part of the initial development of this program while at Seishin and, even though I have returned to Canada, I continue to maintain an active interest in the program's development. Seishin has a strong reputation for the quality of its English Language teaching and I have every confidence in the school's ability to establish a quality program for high level learners.
 Advanced level learners have very special requirements that cannot be met in regular English classes or by mixing with students of lower abilities. In a class where the majority of the students are beginner or elementary level, the needs of advanced students cannot possibly be met. This new program will ensure that these students have their specific needs addressed and allow them to further develop their ability in all the skill areas.

Rob Waring(ロブ ウエアリング)[アドバイザー]

Extensive Reading(広範囲にわたる読書)やVocabulary Development(語彙の発達)の研究に取り組むとともに、日本を始めアジア各国でも講演活動を行っている。また、2005年度はJALTの議長も務めている。


 NELP is a very exciting and unique project for Okayama. I am thoroughly delighted to be involved in this project. For many students and their families this is a dream come true. It's a big step on the way to internationalization.

高橋 幸子(たかはし さちこ)[アドバイザー]



 Our new program, NELP, aims to develop Japanese learners' English proficiency to the highest level. This program is very unique because its curriculum has been created with the collaboration of Seishin teachers working at elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and university levels.
